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How it started
I programmed my very first animation in Matlab during my Master project in experimental Physics. During this
project I wrote software in Matlab to successfully indentify particles and contacts inside a system of hard
spheres. For my final presentation of the project I thought of a way to explain my software in a clear and easy
way, avoiding all the technical coding details (very interesting to me but probably less appealing to the
audience:p). Hence, I created an animation which actually showed the steps of my software.
From creating this animation I learned a lot about 3D visualization in Matlab and solving rendering problems
on a creative way:)
Explanatory animation Master project 2012
This animation shows the process of going from confocal images of the sample to the final reconstruction of
the sample. Roughly the steps are: determination of the particle centers in x-y direction in each slice of
the sample, combining all the x-y centers of one particle and determination of the z coordinate, final
reconstruction of the particle positions.
© Copyright Marthe Schut 2012. All rights Reserved.